News Archive

...a bright happy aura floats around the entire school.

Student feedback from Woods Learning Center residency, Casper WY, Feb 2016.

Thanks to you, a bright happy aura floats around the entire school. You truly are something else that I will never forget.
Reagan, 4-5th Grade

I feel great that you came. I feel charged you know how you like charge a I phone.
Maggie, 4-5th Grade

In future years it would be amazing for the next generations to see how the Aboriginal culture works.
Your words really inspired me both to go to Australia in my adult life and to help take care of the wildlife and out planet.
Colton, 4-5th Grade

Britain could have solved their convict over flow problem a long time ago if people didn't take things so seriously.
Bodie, 4-5th Grade

Woods-Learning-Center-Mural1.gif  Woods Eagle Rainbow            Design by Mandy Blevins 8th Grade.